That's what my wife says too, for precisely that reason. Also, Calista as first lady?
I’m a women and I have no problem voting for Newt. So your wife things that Obama is more likeable and she’d rather have Michelle in the WH that Calista.
Any woman, or man, for that matter, who thinks that. deserves what happens to this country.
Callista is a programmed, helmut-haired robot. In appearances with Gingrich she acts like she’s terrified to open her mouth for fear she’ll say something that he’ll disapprove of. I saw them together on C-Span at a campaign event walking through a fairground. She started off in one direction, he in another. He chided her like she was an idiot that he had to watch every minute. Remember, folks, this is his third wife. She was an aid when he was in Congress. They were having an affair while he was married. Now, conveniently, he’s a devout Catholic and has put all that behind him. Give me a break. I will not vote for him. I don’t care how sharp his knife is in a debate.