Here's the summary of Newt's policy on healthcare reform from his website:
This comprehensive approachcost, quality, competition, and coveragecan solve the problem of the uninsured with no individual mandate and no employer mandate. Everyone would be able to obtain essential health care and coverage when needed. For those who are too poor to buy health insurance, states will have more flexibility to provide them with the assistance they need to buy it. For those who nevertheless choose not to purchase coverage and then become too sick to do so, high risk pools will provide access to coverage. Once you have health insurance, you are assured you can keep it. By contrast, even Obamacare for all its trillions in taxes, spending, new entitlements, and new bureaucracy still does not achieve universal coverage.
Gingrich's goal is to achieve what "even Obamacare could not achieve": UNIVERSAL COVERAGE.
I cap that term because it's one that most Republicans would not and never use, precisely because it is so often a code word for Socialized Medicine.
Newt says everyone will have insurance, but individuals won't be forced to buy insurance and employers won't be forced to buy insurance for their employees. So who pays? What in the world is he talking about here?
Yes, some people claim that Paul Ryan's plan -- the one that Newt destroyed as "right-wing social engineering" -- provides for de facto universal coverage through a refundable tax credit. So I guess Newt is now cribbing off the plan that he formerly dissed (and whose momentum he killed at precisely the worst time)?
But Ryan and others have specifically stated that their plan is not "universal coverage." It's more like universal access to coverage through an incentive (tax credit) rather than mandated universal coverage.
My point is this: read that paragraph again and ask yourself if it's not claiming Newt is going to out-Obamacare Obamacare and do it somehow (magically?) with direct tax dollars and voluntary participation, as opposed to individual and employer mandates.
“Gingrich’s goal is to achieve what “even Obamacare could not achieve”: UNIVERSAL COVERAGE.”
Please show us in Gingrich’s words, where he says he will provide Universal Health Coverage. Palin would say...”make’n stuff up again”