I’m telling you that amending the USC for marriage sets a bad precedent. Why do you want the FEDERAL GOVT to be getting in the marriage business?
The USC should be left alone for all but the most urgent and pressing need. Look at the disaster we face with the 16th Amend, Prohibition, etc.
Let the states and the PEOPLE & CITIZENS decide what they want.
Funny to - i bet you are screaming about Obama suing AZ, SC, AL, etc over immigration laws they pass right? Why is that? When you allow the Fed Govt to grow so big like this, the states get little or no leeway to deal with anything.
Leave marriage to the states along with most other things.
To quote my buddy little jeremiah:
“And what about the Full Faith and Credit thingie that mandates states shall recognize a marriage performed in another state? Thats coming down the tracks at us right quick.”
And of course, there’s those pesky morals.....
To quote my buddy little jeremiah:
“And what about the Full Faith and Credit thingie that mandates states shall recognize a marriage performed in another state? Thats coming down the tracks at us right quick.”
And of course, there’s those pesky morals.....
Most Americans want nothing to do with queer marriage. Most of the time, queer marriage is inflicted on the people by activist judges who think they have the right to legislate from the bench.
That’s another very big reason a Constitutional amendment is needed to keep these social engineers at bay.