I know he means it. I just hope he doesn’t go wobbly when squeezed. Same for all politicians. None of them are perfect. They all go wobbly on some things from time to time. Life is hopefully too black and white an issue for him to cave on.
W was actually pretty good on life - he had a rational explanation for allowing use of then-existing embryo stem cell lines (though I don’t accept that rationale).
But Gingrich sees it through Catholic glasses - and Catholic moral philosophy does NOT allow for W’s “existing” stem cell rationale.
“I know he means it”
And you know that how?
According to the Newt people: ***I am very glad that the Gingrich campaign was quick to respond to the fallout from the ABC News interview...***
Looks to me like he means only to say whatever he needs to to get pro-lifers on board for Iowa and beyond. I read about and heard what he previously said about ‘implantation’ and Newt seemed mighty sure about that position too.