To: SeekAndFind
Newt himself is a Roman Catholic. To judge by the attitude some Freepers have toward Catholicism, he’s have bigger problems with Evangelicals than just his two divorces.
Come to think of it, how did Newt get remarried and become a Catholic with two divorces? Did he get those annulled or what?
9 posted on
11/30/2011 8:46:31 AM PST by
(off-the-track Thoroughbred mare)
To: ottbmare
how did Newt get remarried and become a Catholic with two divorces? Did he get those annulled or what?
I'm not a Catholic myself, but isn't there a difference made between what someone has done pre-conversion and what they do as a Catholic? Clean slate, as it were? Any priests reading?
12 posted on
11/30/2011 8:57:39 AM PST by
(Starve the beast.)
To: ottbmare
That only applies to Catholics and marriages preformed in the Church or approved by the Church.Marriages outside of it and before conversion are not recognized by the Church. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson