Those who can do. Those who cannot, teach. Those who cannot teach, teach gym. Or shop.
My biggest regret about HS was the absolute incompetence of my teachers. I probably had only two competent HS teachers in my four years.
One really competent teacher that I remember MADE us learn the skills so we would have the skills to do a really practical job in our lives. (My typing and shorthand teacher; granted shorthand became obsolete within about five or six years of graduating - but was still useful for jobs within that time frame. After that, it made things easier taking long phone messages. The typing has remained very useful.)
She recognized that some of us thought we were going to skate by on our looks and charm. Ha! - I feel sorry for the football players who thought they were going to be professional football players all their lives; or the cheerleaders who thought they’d make a career out of cheerleading (that was before there even were professional cheerleaders much).