You have a lot of gall pretending Newt's critics are the ones engaging in Newspeak. We're not the ones playing word games here. Newt is the one who coined the phrase 'path to non-deportation'. But I guess you have to try and pretend the critics are wrong here. Pah.
It is only because “amnesty” got broadened form its actual meaning to include anything other than “deport them all” (and not by Newt’s critics, but by folks insistent on stricter immigration policy and stricter enforcement for decades before), but that the word sometimes reverts to its actual meaning when it suits whoever is using it, that Newt is obliged to create neologisms.
Neologisms which create precision, which is what “path to non-deportation” drawing a distinction from “path to citizenship” does, are not Newspeak. Newspeak debases the language, the coinage of thought, by making it imprecise and malleable to political ends. You may not like Newt, or his ideas, but he is very precise in what he means, and uses language very carefully.