The 1986 deal was a failure, the “deal” was not kept by Dems.
There are a whole lot more foreign invaders now, and a war on the border. 70% of illegals on some form of welfare, raping the taxpayers.
Amnesty is a bad idea.
Cut off all the benefits.
You attempt to somehow blame Ronald Reagan for this utter disaster?
No sale.
I love Reagan. Doesn’t mean he got it right every time. In any case that was then this is now. Anyone with critical thinking capabilities knows that uncontrolled borders is killing us.
Anyone who can tell me 20-30 million illegals in the country is good for ordinary Americans with a sgtraight face is a zombie. There are millions of unemployed Americans right here in the good old USA. These are jobs they should be doing. Yes that’s right should. Anyone who’s unemployed who turns down any job should be removed from the unemployed rolls.
Reagan had several other failures, including Lebanon, Sandra Day O’Connor, and Anthony Kennedy. And of course from the start, GHWB.