An honest question, how does this differ from Jewish Kosher requirements, other than dedicated to a false diety?
I'm not sure, but I think Kosher slaughter just opens the jugular vein. When I was a kid on the farm, we chopped off the bird's heads with an ax.
I did a little research and found that any moslem over 13 can do halal slaughter, which means a lot of literal “hack” jobs would be done, which are cruel. Also, Moslems permit the use of mechanical whirling knives, while kosher slaughter prohibits anything but hand slaughter by trained adult experts. Kosher slaughter does NOT involve offering the slain animal to a deity, simply the swift and humane dispatch by a swift and continuous stroke by a surgically sharp knife which severs the great blood vessels, esophagus and trachea. This results in very rapid loss of blood—>consciousness—>death.