Billy E. Hyatt claims he was fired from Pliant Corp., a plastics factory in northern Georgia near Dalton, after he refused to wear a sticker proclaiming that his factory had been accident-free for 666 days... But he grew nervous in early 2009 as the number of accident-free days crept into the 600s.
Huh? The factory has only been open about 60 days since early 2009?
>>Huh? The factory has only been open about 60 days since early 2009?
Huh, huh? He was fired in 2009.
“When the day came on March 12, 2009, Hyatt sought a manager to discuss his request. He said he was told that his beliefs were “ridiculous” and that he should wear the sticker or serve a three-day suspension.
Hyatt took the three-day suspension, and was fired at a human resources meeting several days later.”