Correct! And the cops just gave these kids what they wanted on a silver platter made for TV and a few more news cycles.
Again - what the cops did was DUMB DUMB DUMB both from a public perception point of view as well as realistic point of view since they are giving these kids EXCATLY what they want.
Smart way to deal with this would be lock the doors to the bathroom, unleash a bunch of roaches and spiders near these idiots, etc and watch them disburse in minutes.
Lock them in the bathroom? Ah... lawsuits for detainment, false arrest, cruel and unusual punishment. Sounds much more severe than pepper spray. That would be an even bigger public relations nightmare.
I don’t think you understand that the people of the campus/community who don’t have any sympathy for this garbage are not going to fall for the tears of these students.
Did you see what the OWS protestors did in Manhattan to SCHOOL CHILDREN?
Did you know that Occupy Denver elected a Border Collie as its leader last week?
In Zuccotti park they have created a health hazard.
In Atlanta they pissed off famed Congressman John Lewis... and haven’t gotten a ton of traction.
Leave them to their own devices, even the punishment of pepper spray, and this falls apart. If you jump up and down about police harassment, something they have triggered to cause a response from John Q. Public who watches the Six O’ Clock news, and ignite a frustrated outrage from America, Obama will be dancing in the Oval Office and use this all throughout 2012 as part of his re-election campaign.