What’s the problem?
Ronald Reagan on Sonny & Cher:
G.W. Bush on Letterman in 2000:
Now, how exactly is a dog & pony show going to affect your vote?
Do Herman Cain’s moral values parallel your own? Does he love and obey God? Do you have confidence in him to fix the economy?
If you said yes to all three of those, then don’t sweat the small stuff.
I have no problems with his values. People’s concern is he doesn’t articulate them clearly enough. Ronald Reagan was a natural at that kind of stuff.
The media and the Left took to calling The Gipper a “Teflon-coated” politician because none of their attacks seemed to stick to him or make any difference in his popularity.
And we didn’t have the blogs, alternative media and Free Republic around in those days.
I am with you on all three but this is 2011, not past history.
As we speak I am listening to Mark Levin. I know what he would say.
Cain needs all the exposure he can get. The more outsiders see him the better he looks. Its free exposure and he is strong enough and has the moxie to stand toe to to with Letterman. Its a good move to see him relaxed and funny. Cain will come accross human and it will be good long term for him.
Most of America is not watching Fox news and will not even know Herman exists. Let him hit the circut.