Obviously he`s talking about gay sex in sports, and how the powers that be don`t want to open that can of worms. One need only recall how he lost his commentator`s job over talking about race to know he`s wary of talking about another social issue in connection with sports.
>> Limbaugh has actually rarely focused on social issues compared to the amount of airtime he spends on the economy and foreign policy. He`s been that way since day one—abortion, gay issues, legalizing drugs, for example. He focuses on economic issues, WOT, foreign policy, more traditionally Republican [as opposed to conservative] stand-by issues. >>
I agree with your analysis of what he has always focused on. I disagree that this makes him more Republican as opposed to conservative - but it makes him more Reagan and less Falwell. But both are conservative.
And he’s always mentioned that social issues are critical to the true conservative mindset - but they have never been what he liked to talk about the most.
And that’s fine. We can’t all have the same hot buttons.