I did too, until I started taking a closer look at things (at my husband’s insistence)
Yes, he’s better than Romney, but not tons better.
I would hate to see people ditch the conservative in the race just because Newt is a good debater.
I don’t have to rely on articles from pundits. I recall Newt’s past and his Speakership. He was the DNC-demonic-rat’s first run at a smear machine take-down and they were successful. He beat all but one of the eight-nine “ethics” charges launched against him, and who can ever forget the magazine cover “The Gingrich that Stold Christmas” that hit the news stands “before” Christams?
He’s all too often been too smart for his own good and particularly ours. He’s been lost since he’s been out of office. Writing books, “thinking”, making speeches and finally, putting together a pretty solid plan for the future and a run at the White House.
I’m not going to deal in past actions or short-comings with any of our viable candidates, save for Romney, who’s no different from the Marxist.
The lamestream has already enjoyed a lot of success shredding Herman Cain’s reputation and tearing down Michele Bachmann as some sort of wild-eyed right-wing extremist, blinded by migraine headaches, unable to make proper decisions, when in fact, she’s a rock solid conservative.
Governor Perry hurt himself by himself for the most part and now he’s thought of as dumb, which he’s not.
Pretty soon, we’ll have nobody left but Romney, and I’m not falling for THAT.
Watch Greta’s interview tonight and pray that does a lot of GOOD.