Not sure where you're getting that. I happened to be at the game. In fact I was close enough to make out some of what the gentleman from Nebraska was saying - because aside from 4-5 idiots the stadium was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. That's 5 dopes in a crowd of 107, about guilt by association.
And the guys who painted their chests “For The Boys,” right? Good Lord man, how disgusting is that?
I’m talking about at the end of the game. I even went back and rewound it because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing/hearing. The crowd was chanting P-S-U (I tried to make out if it was the student section or what but couldn’t) while the players were kneeling in prayer. I know what I saw. The only reason I took notice is because the players were kneeling in prayer right behind the media talking heads who were trying to interview coaches.
Yep, people just keep making things up.
And let me add, the people yelling were not screaming “P-S-U.”
About five or ten people tried getting “We Are” chants going, but were either shushed or told to shut up.