Not sure you get a radioactive isotope of nickel, but when you break up a nickel atom you're sure to get something besides nickel. Some of it may be radioactive.And yet, Rossi doesn't get anything other than what you could get from the closet of a high school chemistry lab.
Since Rossi's sample showed only the normal ratio of natural isotopes, you have to posit numerous different nuclear reactions, one for each stable isotope of Nickel, with each one of those reactions producing only stable isotopes of Copper and Iron, each one producing exactly the same ratios of those isotopes as occur naturally.
If Rossi's sample contained anything other than common metals, then it would be evidence of something interesting going on. But that would have been expensive and difficult to fake. Rossi's sample would be extremely simple and cheap to fake.
And since Rossi has a history of fraud...
They also collect taxes by evaluating your lifestyle.
Now, finding things in the debris ~ the most popular theory is this is all LOW ENERGY PHYSICS and the implication is that we are dealing with either THE WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE or just plain old fashioned tunneling. Few "things" should be found.