If this is true..it’s beyond the pale sick!
The Second Mile..Providing children with help and hope.
Letter from the ‘President’ about ‘bullying’....(I guess pimping little boys out to rich donors is ok though.)
This may be the real reason that there is an unsolved murder in this case.
If true, the football program should be shut down for Five years, minimum....this makes SMU look like a walk in the park.
Bullying is code for stamping out any resistence to homosexual sex and behaviors.
They are grooming boys to be afraid to object and setting up homosexual male dominance over males in our society. This is much bigger than most people realize.
Mass Resistence has public school homos on tape telling kids (ages 13-19)in the gay straight alliances at a regional conference, that it is good to have sex with “experienced” adults for your first time.