RE: Cain is showing exteme vulnerabilities that we cant afford.
If you were a Cain supporter and are now showing this kind of fear, then we shall have LOST to the liberals without firing a shot.
All they need to do is MANUFACTURE any scandal, regardless of truth, with ANY Candidate knowing that supporters will be intimidated into surrendering without a fight.
The right thing to do is CHECK OUT the accusation to see if there is any credible evidence to it.
If yes, then abandon Cain. If no, FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR HIM REGARDLESS OF ODDS.
Its also the issues! He is very gaffe prone. He is right on the issues he knows about - but can we really afford a disastrous Couric like moment again, even if its unfair?
We all know the deck is stacked , but we still need to get rid of maobama wo giving the marxists and rope of our own.
Calm down. Please.
Let's face the awful truth: There were sexual harrassment charges leveled at Mr. Cain. At least one was awarded -- for whatever reason --- a cash settlement (don't nitpick over "severance" nonsense).
Like it or not---this is the truth. Cain was concerned about this when he ran for the Senate a few years ago. And now he's asking us to believe this is all a big plot against him.
Not even he believed in his heart of hearts that this wouldn't "come out". Doesn't really matter by whom---you want to play in the major leagues, you come trained and prepared.
Cain knew it was a potential fireball, and he did not prepare himself. And he had years, not days, to do so.