And if a man being hit on isn’t interested, it’s also sexual harassment.
“And if a man being hit on isnt interested, its also sexual harassment.”
That’s true. It’s also true that every single conservative in America has been sexually harassed by Herman Cain!
Now hear me out. What do you think Mr. Cain is doing when he smiles in one of his campaign ads? Hes not just smiling. Hes LEERING at us! And hes probably ogling all of our breasts besides! Oh the humanity of it....
And his 9-9-9 plan? We all *know* thats just a sexual codeword. Decorum of this forum demands that I say no more about it for fear of offending some of your more delicate sensibilities.
Its beyond time that we End The Silence. Lets get ahold of the press and let them know that were ALL victims.