He’s handled this so poorly that he’s disqualified himself from being the POTUS on ability alone. Politico gave him 10 days to come up with a story. If he blamed his former staffer for the leak then he’s had 7 years to come up with a story. Instead of being prepared he’s lashing out at everyone, changing his story and losing his temper at reporters.
Keep in mind he’s never served in public office and has never been vetted. This is a good light on how he would govern and quite frankly I don’t think he’s up to the task. I am not impressed at all.
It’s one thing to be a smooth talking talk speaker and radio host. It’s quite different than governing and being responsible for the safety and livelihood of the citizens. I don’t trust him to handle a real crisis at all after this.
—Hes handled this so poorly that hes disqualified himself from being the POTUS on ability alone.—
Sorry, but I’m really missing that. I think he’s doing fine.
Yep... and this was the test and he's just not up to the grade required to handle it. Even those with vast experience are unfortunately at the mercy of the media...who are not interested in truth...Cain hasn't done well in presenting that as we know...nor of handling the press...he has far to go to make it thru this.