One confirmed.
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To: justsaynomore
How long, in this supposedly sexually-equal society, are we going to coddle women who think, well, er, um, er maybe I might have been offended by that?
408 posted on
11/03/2011 12:03:09 AM PDT by
(My hypocrisy goes only so far)
To: justsaynomore
Actually, Wilson specifically said he was not the source. But I’m sure someone else in these 400 comments mentioned that already.
He said he KNEW about it, and a lot of other people knew about it. He said he never spoke about it, and another person he worked for confirmed that Wilson never told him about it.
Politico’s story did not say Wilson was a source. They reported Wilson’s discussion of the incident, and that Wilson said he was not a source.
BTW, A newspaper will not generally allow a source to get away with denying they are the source. So it is highly unlikely Wilson is the source.
BTW, if there is a source, it clearly won’t be a Cain supporter.
To: justsaynomore
Now I know why my wife greeted me last night saying "Thees Reek Pair-ree, he is a scoombag!"
There goes the Latina vote.
436 posted on
11/03/2011 6:02:18 AM PDT by
( Communists... Socialists... Democrats...Traitors... Who can tell the difference?)
To: justsaynomore
It seems to me that all of the Cain supporters feel he walks on water just like someone else did in 2008..I really think some of the people that have started this false rumor about Perry is trying to make sure Cain wins the primary with no one in his way..If Cain did this it wasn't Perry's fault it was Cains could this also mean that the Cain people is trying to get the pressure off Cain by blaming Perry..Sound like a dirty deal to me..
437 posted on
11/03/2011 6:04:48 AM PDT by
To: justsaynomore
If true Perry wouldn’t even be on my fallback list.
438 posted on
11/03/2011 6:09:17 AM PDT by
To: justsaynomore
RedState (which is in the tank for Perry) has been in full Perry defense mode since yesterday afternoon.
They’ve had a half dozen front page articles that say:
(1) It wasn’t Perry that leaked it
(2) It doesn’t matter if Perry did leak it, because this is just politicis
(3) The real story isn’t that Perry leaked it, it’s how Cain has handled the response—that’s what we should be focusing on.
442 posted on
11/03/2011 6:58:14 AM PDT by
(Just say #So? to the mainstream media smears)
To: justsaynomore
well, I guess my other question is “Source for WHICH story? The initial one?” There have been several.
To: justsaynomore
I would like to know the truth on what happened between Cain and these two women.
463 posted on
11/03/2011 9:24:47 AM PDT by
To: justsaynomore; All
IF this is true that Politicos, Chris Wilson is saying were the information came from then what has happened to the reporter confidentiality issue were reporters would rather go to jail then name a there a possible lawsuit here?
471 posted on
11/03/2011 10:06:27 AM PDT by
(The U. S. Constitution - read it and weep)
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