>> “Why do you assume that we are not powerful enough to get it passed?” <<
Its not power.
No small business owner is going to sit still and see a national sales tax pass without a huge fight. NST is a massive job killer. The chamber of commerce will dedicate millions to defeat any NST.
If I thought that it had any chance of passing, I would not vote for Cain, but it is DOA, so no worries on that. We need a true flat tax (not a Perry flat tax).
Consider this resume of an office of the National Small Business Association:
David Burton Joins NSBA As General Counsel
Burton has advised, lobbied and litigated for small business on employment, securities, corporate, health care, tax and administrative law. He is a nationally known proponent of fundamental tax reform. He drafted four major pieces of tax reform legislation including the FairTax, the first national sales tax introduced in Congress, the first flat tax introduced in Congress and Sen. DeMints hybrid business transfer tax and national sales tax proposal sometimes called the BEST Tax. He also also drafted Medicare and Social Security reform legislation.