Of all of the anyone but Romney candidates, Santorum is my top choice.
Romney - I said anyone but him.
Newt - Says really good things, has sold out before and personal baggage.
Perry - too Texas and suspect on some issues.
Cain - great guy but his gaffe o’ minute thing is wearing thin. His pro-life/pro-choice and hypothetical surrendering 400 Gitmo prisoners for 1 American soldier gaffes point to an embarrassing general election campaign.
Bachman - has been successfully Palinized by the media. Not fair, but so.
Just my opinion.
Santorum is almost as smart as Newt. He still has his first wife. Strong pro-life. Knows foreign affairs enough. Only draw back is losing an election. But that has happened to Presidents before.
If you think that is Santorum's only drawback you haven't been paying attention. Rick is as inside the beltway as you can get. He is running for Dan Quayle's spot.
Do you remember Santorum's stance on Toomey vs. Specter? Do you remember Santorum moving to the DC suburbs while he still represented Pennsylvania? What was the last real job Rickie had? I mean after 2 terms in the House and 2 terms in the Senate it's just his natural destiny to be President isn't it?
I guess Rick has you fooled.
Santorum is a big government, establishment loving, neocon interventionist, authoritarian social conservative. He's a whiny brat who would lose PA, just as he lost his reelection by huge margins.
I'm a Cain guy but you are correct that he does step on his crank with steel spiked golf shoes on.
I love the guy but he's got to slow down with the "oopppsss" moments.
His gaffes are going to give his primary opponents ammunition but if he can survive the primary then it will be a picnic against the obummer.
The media will go back in time to when Herman and his brother drank out of the "White Only" fountain to prove that he was an "Uncle Tom" when he was a child and has gotten worse ever since.
No matter which pubbie is the candidate, the msm is going to pull all stops out to destroy that person, so a couple of verbal gaffes, {unless Herman visits all 57 states with a Navy "corpseman"} aren't going to make it any better or worse from the lies that they will be spreading.
The fact that he is gong to get beat {almost as much as Sarah} in the primary, might help deflect some of the crap that is sure to come in the general.
It could get worse, Herman could select Sarah for VP and there would be a global telecommunications meltdown.