I am a little nervous about how much I am liking Cain. Everytime I hear him speak I like him more. I have been so dissappointed in the past with folks I thought were the right ones.
I am now starting to try and find some things he is weak on or that I don’t agree with so I can be objective and “balanced”.
He is my guy more and more every day.
I don’t even agree that 9-9-9 is a great policy, but Cain is still my guy. He just has that effect on people.
Don’t fall for the disinformation about Cain these days. They are really ramping it up against him, full court press. They are desperately trying to attack him to peel way his Conservative and Tea Party base if they can and drive internecine GOP wedges, because above all people it is GOVERNOR ROMNEY (just like JOHN MCCAIN 2008) whom they want in as a shill in a fixed 2012 race to face off against. We gotta stay the course, donate, phone call, e mail or call neighbors or friends, build a ground force in Iowa, New Hampshire, S. Carolina, Florida, Nevada and elsewhere and keep the momentum, all the while speaking no evil of fellow conservatives in the race, as they are NOT our enemy but rather decent, good Patriots, and we will also need their supporters as they drop out one by one. Stay the Cain Course!!!! We are over the target, we are getting the Drive By Media surface to air missiles as was to be expected with the coveted Conservative Frontrunner status. That just the cost of it. Spiritually, surrender in faith and give it to God, and tactically, keep thinking Gandhi and will will get over this hump once they have a) ignored, b) ridiculed and c) attacked. It is the most difficult time right now, as will be late October when they are again full court press to keep Obama in office and prevent Cain from the White House.
This is not over, by any means. http://theiowarepublican.com/2011/do-we-really-know-who-herman-cain-is/
He’s just human, but I am of the same way of thinking. I don’t need to agree with the man on everything. Go Cain!!
Try to stop it now. Do not join in the mindless support of Cain because he is a likeable guy.
It will save you heartbreak later as the truth about him seeps out more every day.