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To: USS Alaska

You have no basis for your claim that Perry is giving money to illegals.

If you are referring to the instate college tuition issue, that has been explained a hundred times, why should I expect you to listen to the 101st time? I won’t bother.

Why do Cain’s heartwarming ‘I started from nothing’ stories warm your heart while Perry’s stories of a hard, early life offend you?

Not very consistent.

Let me educate you a little on illegal aliens.

I do not condone illegals. They are lawbreakers. But they are here because they would rather live in the United States than in Mexico. So would I.

They are here because we (not Perry) but the entire government for years, made it easy for them to get in and hard to get them out.

The children they brought along or had after they got here should not be held reponsible in my opinion unless you think the sins of the fathers should be passed on from generation to generation.

There is not real possibility of getting rid of illegals now unless they commit a crime. Even then the Obama administration has stopped its ICE people from deporting.

I want it to be when the ICE man cometh he has an eviction order, not a welcome mat. And this is for people who commit crimes even it it’s driving without a license.

But the children who came with their parents who are receiving the benefit of in-state (not free) tuition must meet requirements. They must have graduated high school and be on the road to applying for citizenship. Do you honestly want to shoot or electrocute these kids?

I’m no bleeding heart, in fact I’m mean as a snake, but we need to face the current situation realistically.

If you have some proof that Perry is giving tax money to illegals, well, for heaven’s sake, post it.

100 posted on 10/20/2011 11:54:48 AM PDT by altura (Perry 2012)
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To: altura
The problem with illegals is that farmer conglomerates clearly have no morality when it comes to breaking the law and using them for casual labor.

The problem with Perry is also he teamed up with an amoral drug company to try to force Gardisil on the states young women. Sick.

107 posted on 10/20/2011 12:31:14 PM PDT by Sam Gamgee (May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. - Patton)
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To: altura
Let me educate you a little on illegal aliens. I do not condone illegals. They are lawbreakers. But they are here because they would rather live in the United States than in Mexico.

I really don't give a crap where "they or you would rather live". If they are here AS ILLEGAL ALIENS my position is get them out and it is a matter of political will.

Too many "I'm not a bleeding heart, mean as a snake" people, take the same, liberal bleeding heart position as you just did.

With President's like obummer, GWB {while strong on defense} was as big a tex-mex pussy as are perry and you.

Living in a border state, you become used to the ILLEGALS and make excuses for your soft spot because they are close to you.

You are part of the problem but you want to blame it on anyone else, because it's too hard to admit that overlooking little things for the past 40 years lead us into this mess.

This didn't happen overnight, it was when your parents generation knew that Pablo was here ILLEGALLY, but was such a good guy that they gave him a job.

Then Pablo brought his wife and kids, and they needed to go to school or the doctors and on and on and on....

110 posted on 10/20/2011 12:38:22 PM PDT by USS Alaska
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To: altura
I do not condone illegals. They are lawbreakers. But they are here because they would rather live in the United States than in Mexico.

I'd rather live in Buckingham Palace, but what would happen if I snuck in there and started living there?

116 posted on 10/20/2011 1:04:16 PM PDT by Netizen (Path to citizenship = Scamnesty. If you give it away, more will come. Who's pilfering your wallet?)
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