He needs to get out of radio talk show host mode and into presidential candidate mode.
Hopefully he has people helping him with this so he makes no fatal speaking errors. This appears to be his only real vulnerability on the campaign trail.
I agree. I just don’t want him to ‘shut down’ so much that he loses his refreshing candor (i.e. - speaking the truth). I do know what you mean, tho. The media will be waiting for a ‘gotcha’ moment.
It may have been a joke, but there's one heck of a lot of people in this country who would agree with it.
My theory is early on Cain's entry into the race was meant to help put a conservative stamp onto the Republican platform... I don't believe he foresaw the success he's now having. Now he's the leading contender (how BEAUTIFUL that sounds!!), he'll pull together a more conventional campaign infrastructure. Watch for donation$ to make huge jumps as well.
“Hopefully he has people helping him with this so he makes no fatal speaking errors. This appears to be his only real vulnerability on the campaign trail.”
Totally agree. I loves me some Cain ... but his off-the-cuff style could be dangerous. As my mother used to say, “He needs to watch that mouth of his!”