Cain is just Mitt’s stalking horse don’t you know! Cain-Mitt, Mitt-Cain, it doesn’t matter Mitt has merely sent his errand-boy Cain out to fetch him the nomination. Why even with 51% of the delegates Cain will just turn them over to Mitt. Cain is running just to sell books and get a nice cushy job on Fox don’t you know that? Cain is part of the FED! Cain has horns and a tail! Cain wants your first born in taxes! And that’s just the good things about Cain. There will be any number of Perry supporters along any time now to explain it to you.
Don’t leave out the part that Cain is running to help Romney so that Romney can get him a job as a radio talk show host through his [non]ownership of Clear Channel.
Don’t leave out the part that Cain is running to help Romney so that Romney can get him a job as a radio talk show host through his [non]ownership of Clear Channel.