Herman Cain who truly was until recently a virtual unknown had faith enough in himself to decide to run for President of the United States on his own. There was no Media hype/pressure/build-up about a possible run, there was no urging by members of the Party, no words spoken into his ear by party players, elites, beltway boys or pundits, not even a word of encouragement from the Republican Party of his home state only faith in himself. Now after months of being treated as being a inconsequential candidate the curious sideshow of a conservative black Republican, he is now in the top tier along with people of great party pull, of men with experienced political machines and the dollars to power them. He did that on his own with no help from anyone except by his own. Now think what a man with faith in himself like that could accomplish if given the chance.
Now many are saying Cain hasnt a chance with his little formal organization and even less money.
Well let me remind all of you of what a recent movement did with no formal organization and even less money, The Tea Party.
The Tea Party manage with both those weakness to go on and seriously change the political landscape and in doing so caused the Leftist members of government, elitist of both political parties and media types to quake in fear of them and their wrath and all done with only a minimum of formal organization and on a shoe string budget.
Thats what successful AMERICANS do, what they have always done! Its what makes us WINNERS! They start out with what they have and they MAKE IT WORK! They make it work because what they dont have in manpower or money they make-up with brains, sweat, blood and last but most important faith.