I really, really, really hope these whackadoodles attempt to crash a U.S. governmental building in D.C. They take security of these buildings EXTREMELY seriously, especially the Capitol. This will not be like occupying the Wisconsin Capitol: any crashers will be seriously repulsed, seriously arrested, and seriously prosecuted. (Which is why I think this is all just talk. Either that, or the whackadoodles are even more deluded than is evident.)
This is the kind of stuff I am worried about. Well they have convinced these hippie occupiers to not own firearms. just imagine if D.C. declares martial law. I hope this doesn’t turn into a nationwide martial law. Is it possible? No matter what happens, if the SHTF, I’m well prepared. Don’t have a fallout bunker, but I have a bugout bag and plenty of ammunition.
There are also the embassies that are located there and if any of those protestors actually ned up setting foot, say, on the grounds of the Embassy of China, it would be interpreted as an act of war. I think the museums were a test run to see if they could pull such a thing. If they march, there will be arrests and the little creeps will get the criminal charges their behavior has been asking for.