IMPEACH OBAMA. Expose him for the fraud he is. He is absolutely out of control and has America on the fast track to insolvency.
It’s Pelosi, Reid, Ellison, Durban, Frank, Waters,McCain, Schumer, Conyers, Graham, and many, many more as well, who need ‘run out of town.’
I dont want him impeached, that pretends that he has a right to be a president. The guy is a Marxist imposter and needs to be put in prison for life.
If he is removed from the presidency as a criminal imposter every law he signed into effect becomes null and void.
If we continue to pretend he is president and impeach him it will take decades to unravel his very concerted efforts to destroy this country.
Pelosi needs to be brought up in trial as a Traitor along with Barny Frank for their aiding and abeting this Marxist takeover by a Muslim in a time of war with Islam. All players in this game need to get Justice served, with prison for them all.