So, you believe tax and spend politicians, the kind who’ve never seen a tax they didn’t like or a dollar they didn’t want to spend, are going to just up and legislate away the income tax????
And then leave it that way.
Sorry, Hugin, you’re a nice person, but that is simply more than I can swallow.
We REPEAL the 16th amendment and I’ll support the other, but not until.
Politicians are the devil.
Do you think the politicians in 3/4 of the state legislatures will ever do so while the current sytsem is in place?
What I think is that it would be impossible to pass it without already having the alternetive in place. But once the income tax is gone and a sales tax is in place, getting an amendment passed would be much easier. I also think once people realize how much easier life is without having to keep track and report all their financial activty to the IRS, and the IRS is out of business, it would be politicl suicide to vote to bring it back.