Agreed. The only thing I can think of is the powerful banksters of the world threatened the lives of her and her children if she did run.
I’ve ripped off the Palin 2012 bumper stickers and removed my Palin 2012 email signature. So saddened now, as I realize that without a Palin presidency, this country is going down sooner rather than later.
I will NEVER vote for Romney, another McCain scum-sucking creature. I don’t like Cain’s 999 plan because I don’t want to give the Federal Govt any new tax revenue via a new national sales tax. As another poster recently said, this year it’s 999, next year 10 10 10, then 11 11 11, etc.
Nope, can’t vote for 999/Cain. Maybe it’s just best to let this profoundly corrupt system go down, and rebuild from the ashes. Might as well vote for Ron Paul. At least I know he is honest, wants small gov’t, low taxes, and really would CUT CUT CUT all those unconstitutional US Departmental agencies. Yes, bring the troops home. We’re going to need them as we watch America go.
God bless ya’ll.
You can either take your marbles home with you or you can join the rest of us in making sure Romney is defeated!
We have two enemies: Romney and Obama
First, we defeat Romney. Then we defeat Obama.