[In this case it was DNA evidence that proved someone else did it.]
And what of Amanda Knox DNA found mixed with Meredith’s blood? They didn’t challenge that evidence on appeal. In fact, they only challenged 2 pieces of evidence. The bra clasp and the knife. There was other DNA evidence that was not challenged.
[There were also several credible alibis that placed her somewhere else during the time the crime was committed.]
No there’s not. She has no alibi.
I thought that was pretty damning as well, but now I am kind of skeptical about the DNA evidence in this case, from the testimony I have read. The places they found her DNA were places one would expect her DNA to be--in the bathroom, around the drain plug, on the light switch, on the bidet... Amanda's DNA was not specified as her blood (saliva? skin cells?) and who knows how old it was. It is quite conceivable that Amanda's DNA would be in the bathroom sink--especially around the drain plug, and that Rudy Guede dripped blood into that same sink. He apparently got blood all over the place and his DNA was also all over Meredith's bedroom.
Interestingly, where there was NO DNA at all of Amanda Knox was in Meredith's bedroom--where it should have been, had she killed her in, what was posited as, a sex-crazed frenzy.
I have been reading about the general mishandling of the crime scene and potential cross-contamination of the DNA evidence and am amazed at how shoddy of an investigation this really was! I thought she was guilty for quite a while. I now have serious doubts and think that the prosecutor is likely an Italian Mike Nifong--IMO.
If she was responsible; however, she will have to face the ultimate Judge, as He knows all.
My heart continues to ache for Meredith's family. :^(