I am with you! It is way too soon to know who to vote for and I am grateful we have time to vet. We know the msm ain’t gonna do it for us. I keep hoping a solid person decides the time is right and will give us a chance to vote for a candidate not having to choose the lesser of two evils. I like Cain alot, but am going to learn all I can.
When barry first gave his speech at the DNC I will admit I was intriqued, although not a D since my youth, I would be willing to vote any party that put up a good person to vote for. I then began in earnest doing my own vetting. I was shocked at what I learned about ol’ barry boy. I tried to tell people, become a certified birther and have learned a good lesson. Do not trust without verifying. Cain still has my eye, but I will use my abilities to learn what I can.
Excellent. Thanks for the support of vetting instead of deciding at this point in the game. I have no illusions of deciding until I have to cast the only vote that matters in the debate. Being from Florida, that just became much more of a moving target. BTW, it is the Perry and Romney operatives who are behind the shenanigans down here (does Mel Martinez ring a bell?). I personally feel all primaries should be the same day in April or May before the November election.