Nothing here says "including all persons born to citizen parents." It doesn't say "including all persons born to foreign subjects." It doesn't even say "all persons born in the United States." Read it AGAIN:
... the Fourteenth Amendment affirms the ancient and fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the territory, in the allegiance and under the protection of the country, including all children here born of resident aliens, with the exceptions or qualifications (as old as the rule itself) of children of foreign sovereigns or their ministers ...
If this was supposed to apply to all persons including those born of citizen parents and foreign subjects, why does it ONLY say "including all children here born of resident aliens"???
Uh, because there is NO DOUBT about people born to two citizen parents being citizens??? Uh, because that is the easy part where there aren't any questions??? Uh, because questions only came up when a parent or two wasn't a citizen, like with Wong Kim Ark, whose parents were Chinese??? Uh, because YOU can't read and you missed "birth within the territory, in the allegiance and under the protection of the country, including all children here born of resident aliens," being about a larger class of ALL persons, and "including" making sure it was understood to "INCLUDE" kids of foreigners. Uh, all of the above.
What is wrong with you??? Do you think the 14th amendment only applies to kids of foreigners born here??? Silly Vattle Birther, it is clear (to everybody but IRRATIONAL Vattle Birthers) that "the Fourteenth Amendment affirms the ancient and fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the territory" means EVERYBODY born here, except the two exceptions.
Sooo, quit playing dumb and quit being a Vattle Birther, OK???
You're almost understanding. Those persons you are describing are NBCs. If the so-called "ancient and fundamental rule of citizenship by birth within the territory" was so ancient and fundamental, then why is there doubt about those who are NOT born to citizens?? The answer: they are not NATURAL-BORN citizens. The ancient and fundamental rule comes with strings and doubts, but only one class within this rule has no doubt: those born in the country to citizen parents, i.e., Natural-born Citizens.