born December 13, 1945 in Memphis, TN (Meets the Jus Soli Requirement)
Parents were
Luther Cain Jr., born March 16, 1925 in TN, died March 29, 1982 in Atlanta, GA
Lenora Davis, born July 27, 1925 in GA, died August 20, 2005 in Atlanta, GA
Both parents were US Citizens at the time of his birth (Meets the Jus Sanguinis Requirement)
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama ISN'T!
Liberals are racist for wanting to hog the black community all to themselves. That cruel irony is was what dawned upon Mr. Cain shortly before he decided to join the GOP.
is was -> was
What is it with these left wing racists? They have essentially played out all their race cards to the point of not only being meaningless, but being mocked themselves as fools.
If you analyze modern language usage and define racism as an unsupported accusation, then the above statement is accurate.
Many voted for Obama thinking his election would silence the race industry. Fools!
Wouldn’t upset this old, white Southern grandma one bit to have Herman Cain as my President. This would be a chance to show we can pick a great black POTUS.......unlike the one we have now.
God bless him—he is so cool, calm, and collected!
Not your typical politician.
Tomorrow the Today show will host Morgan Freeman while Fox and Friends host Herman Cain :-)
Cain has a very Reaganesque way of responding to criticism in good humor.
Perhaps his bout with cancer has given him a higher perspective on things.
Herman Cain, GOP presidential candidate, hits back at Morgan Freeman for calling Tea Party ‘racist’
How much would you bet that if Cain were a RINO (read: “centrist” or “moderate”) this headline would read “Herman Cain, Winner of predictive Florida straw poll, hits back at Morgan Freeman’s “racist” comment”
Just pointing out another way the MSM influences things. After that debate, Cain won a poll that has predicted the nominee for 30 years and yet he’s “GOP presidential candidate”. While it’s true, they do not “pump up” Cain as much as they would if the candidate were not an unabashed Conservative (i.e. Romney, Perry etc...)
in before the idiot who hits all the Cain threads to remind us that “he worked for the federal reserve”.
Herman Cain is a Great American!
I was going to bed and saw the start of SNL. If I can get the vid tomorrow I will post it.
They ridiculed Cain as some sort of brainless pizza flipper. And actually said his only qualifcation was pizza maker.
Where is Sharpton, the congress guy that called Tea Partiers racist? It is really pathetic how low the lefties will sink.
Freeman’s the perv who dated his step-granddaughter.
Herman Cain is going to surprise a lot of people. I’m not saying he will be president, but he will end up being a power broker in the future.
That's right Mr. Freeman, get off the liberal, democrat plantation doofus!
I wish Morgan would crawl back into his wormhole.
I love how these race-card dealers whine and complain whenever an African-American is subjected to the same game rules as any Caucasian. They expect the world to suddenly abandon typical rules of political engagement just for them and then accuse any action that strays from their idealist expectations as being racially motivated.
But I don’t get upset. After all, he’s merely an actor, caught up in the “pity us” act.
Sparing with another black man.......good