Zero has $100s of millions raised, either by his own committee, or laundered through so-called stimulus projects into various agitprop organizations, not to mention the 527s which work for his ass. It won’t be easy to rid ourselves of the Kenyan, and that’s not even considering all his partisan media shills and phony ballots a la typical Demwit tactics.
Sarah will show America what a leader can do even in her own campaign. I doubt she will pay millions of dollars to high powered professionals who will tell her how to dress, how to talk, etc, like they did when she was the VP candidate. This entire campaign will be for WE THE PEOPLE and true patriots and everyday Americans will jump on board with small contributions, all they can afford, but there will be so many, it will dwarf what the O can raise.
You want hope and change? Sarah will give us true hope, and relentless reform. Sarah is the one, I feel it in my Gibbs would say. Sarah is the only one now. The RINO establishment is still trying to shove yet one more RINO down our throats. Now they want Chris Christy, the flavor of the of their own, just one more RINO. Look at his record, it is even worse than Perry and Romney if you can imagine. Do they really think we will not see what is heppening?