Presidents are crucial to the abortion question. They nominate the Scotus justices.
Of course, they have the bully pulpit, they can influence the submission of legislation, etc.
But there is no authority more important in this debate than the Scotus.
(Unless Congress some day decides to actually use its constitutional authority to tell justices what to do.)
We already have 5 justices, and no one has gotten the case to them to overturn. I just dont see abortion as an issue that a president has any effect on. You just said in your post that it is Congress’ job, and potentially the USSC, which would put the executive 3rd out of 3.
Which candidate would be likely to use the bully pulpit to get congress to write a national abortion law? Should there be a national abortion law? Would a libertarian president necessarily put in a judge that would uphold Roe v Wade?