Government schools from the very beginning ( mid-1800s to early 1900s) have **always** been a tool of the progressive left!
Government schools were a leftist and progressive idea from the beginning.
Government schools have **always** been controlled by leftist progressives.
Teacher training and curriculum development has **always** been controlled by the leftist progressives.
The push has **always** been toward more and more secularism until now it is utterly godless and atheistic in its worldview.
Government schools have **always** been socialist-funded and children quickly learn to be comfortable with accepting their tuition-free entitlement. They have **always** been taught by their socialist-paid teachers that they have right to neighbor's money for their tuition-free schooling. Well!...If the voting mob and the threat of police force can force a neighbor to give them “free” school, why not thousands of other socialist “free” goods and services?
Franklin D. Roosevelt wasn't an accident. All it took was one to three generations of citizens indoctrination to be comfortable with socialism in their socialist-funded and progressive controlled government schools. And... with secularism forced upon them they soon looked to government to be their Redeemer and Savior.
I hear you. I believe that our public school system should be dismantled.