None. A President has infinite resources to deal with bogus charges, and as we’ve found with the Fraud, even truthful ones can be dismissed. A quitter does not travel to Wisconsin, and tongue-lash union thugs face-to-face in a major speech. This gal has balls, Sir! Bob
Those “goonions,” as Rush calls them, succeeded in completely cracking Palin’s facade.
They got on her case a bit (what union goons DON’T do that to “the enemy”) and she cracked under the pressure. The worst side of her shrieking “harpy” persona came to the surface.
Other Tea Party speakers were similarly attacked that day in Madison but they kept their cool.
I’m telling you, Palin’s policy positions are generally very good (possibly excepting Title IX affirmative action for female athletes) but her nature, personality, and character are just not for me.
You like the way she is? That’s your business. I really think most people have made their minds up about her already and she doesn’t have a lot of widespread support.
I’ve heard of a mile wide and an inch deep (Romney) but with Palin, her support is more like an inch wide and a mile deep.