As responsible parents, we had both daughters receive the Gardasil vaccinations during their teen years. They both had zero side effects, and if they will have much better chance of resisting cervical cancer, all for the good. That cancer is very insidious and not worth the risk of any possible side effects from the vaccine. The percentage of girls with side effects is so small anyways. Has any one heard of children having adverse reactions to any of the commonly use medications? Like OTC cough syrup & aspirin? Yes, it happens, so should we stop taking all medications, since every medication has had some side effect to some one? Nothing in life is 100% guaranteed. So wise people should weigh the odds of failure versus benefits received.
Then, this is just being reported.
Sarah Palins Alaska Took Federal Funds to Increase Access to Gardasil
Did you buy them condoms also?
Strawman Alert!
But Gardasil was not in common use, and the risks were not fully known then and may not be now. They certainly are not as well known as the risks for aspirin. We still aren't sure of the long term risks, because it hasn't been around for a long time.
New vaccines are not without risk. Surely you remember the trouble with Guillain-Barre syndrome, which was associated with the swine flu vaccine?
It's nice that there was no effect on your family. But it wasn't a guaranteed outcome.
Unlike polio or smallpox, there's no reason to force or even encourage an immediate full scale immunization. The virus isn't passed by casual contact.
It will be a long time before we really know if this reduces the level of cervical cancer, or how many variants of the virus it really protects from.
So, Gardasil has incompletely known benefits and unknown risks, and no immediate necessity. I can see why some folks didn't want to throw their daughters in that pool right away, and why they got mad when somebody else tried to.