[Gardisil doesnt protect against anything you get from a doorknob or from being sneezed on.]
You’re right, a doorknob doesn’t spread HPV, but the young teens engaging in oral sex in school stairwells does!! I do a lot of reading - 75% of young women have had oral sex - because they believe it is “safe sex”. Imaging that! Junior High School girls are ‘hooking up’......often now.
You may not have seen my other posts where I posted two links verifying this.
The HPV virus is incurable.......it’s a life time thing and can and does cause cancer.
A doorknob doesn’t spread HPV?! Don’t tell that to Dan Savage!
Good link and audio about HPV from MD Anderson Cancer Center.
It is estimated that 80-90% of women will be HPV positive at some point in their life.