That is a good reason to advertise the vaccine. People should talk to their doctor, and if they agree that the vaccine would be good for them, they should get it.
The vaccine should not be mandated for school attendance, because it’s not generally something you get from contact at school. Yes, there are a LOT of kids hooking up at school and having oral sex, but that’s not the point of school.
Perry was well-intentioned but wrong on the vaccine. He wanted to make it more readily available to children, and the school vaccine program was a way to do it where a law already existed. But it was wrong-headed, and at least he learned a lesson but it doesn’t make it right.
“But it was wrong-headed, and at least he learned a lesson but it doesnt make it right.”
Same thing I’d say about things Reagan did, got burned, and learned from.
I didn't like that EO either. But when he listened to his constituents and backed off of it (which doesn't get mentioned often), it demonstrated that he can recognize and admit when he's made a mistake.
He meant to do good, was corrected on it and acknowledged it. We’ve found that he does listen to the people! That seems like a good thing to me.
Look at all the inoculations kids have had to take before they can enter school. There were tons of bad or fatal reactions to things like the Polio or Smallpox vaccine years ago.