Well I'm certainly glad I stayed up to watch The Speech...NOT! What a steaming pile!
That had to be his worst speech yet. PASS THE BILL...PASS THE BILL...did he say anything else? Can't listen to Q&R until 7 today but since it's y day off when I get home I should be able to listen to the repeat hour.
So...PLEASE TALK ME OUT OF THIS! I really don't have the money to spend BUT this looks SO COOL! WE missed the HP Touchpad deal but are signed up and might get a chance to get one or two in the final run.
BUT THIS IS WHAT I WANT....check it out HERE: Entourage Pocket Edge Dualbook
I actually ahve my card in my hand but if I get it without checking with Mrs p6 first ...welll...that would NOT be a good thing.
But I can't resist!
Yep, the speech was a TOTAL waste of time!
OK. What’s that gadget you’re drooling over?
Like Barry “pass this bill” you should be all “talk to Mrs. P6, talk to Mrs. P6...”
As a wife I can say this.
So...did ya hear??? Barky wants his Bill passed. Btw...as of last night NOTHING on White Hut webbie page; or on the Congress page; or...any where. I guess they will have to pass it to find out what is in it.
I got mine.. TANKS!