Ah, a condescending doctor refusing to discuss serious or fatal side effects, and lifestyle as a means of prevention, in order to sell a drug, test or procedure. Color me surprised.
One can have dysplasia reverse itself and the dangerous strain(s) of HPV become undetectable. Not inexplicably, but by avoiding smoking, promiscuity and a poor diet.
Some people want to smoke, sleep around, live on processed junk food and run the risk of vaccine side effects, which are cited in a number of threads on this forum. This vaccine may be for them. But forcing aluminum and preservatives into the systems of children without highlighting the risks or revealing one’s own interests is unforgivable.
I believe the oath still is, “First, do no harm.”
Exactly, it goes,” Cure when possible, but first do no harm.”
It’s not harmful to demonstrate that a vaccine works and is safe over time and 50+ million doses.
It is harmful to falsely accuse and claim abnormal paps will just go away or are due to promiscuity.
It takes 2 virgins and lifetime monogamy to make a truly perfectly HPV-safe marriage. Would you tell every woman not to have another Pap smear?