Guess the ronpaulnut siren call went out as we seem to be picking up the usual herd of PDS coyotes.
Furthermore, I fail to see how asking for an explanation from Mr. Perry regarding why he would EVER have thought Al Gore would make a good president makes me a 'ronpaulnut'.
RE: "the usual herd of PDS coyotes" -- Please provide one shred of evidence from my posting history that indicates that I am dislike, or am opposed to, Mr. Perry as a presidential candidate. Since you accuse me of being part of this "usual herd", you must have such evidence, right?
In my opinion, people who unwaveringly support a particular candidate, never questioning that person's past decisions or actions, never challenging that person to provide reasonable explanations for his past behavior, and then blindly attacking anyone who DOES ask questions of said candidate, are every bit as 'nutty' as the wackiest Ron Paul supporter, regardless of the candidate to which they have pledged their allegiance.