I know...that’s why I have been singing it from the rooftops tonight. AP waited on Media Matters to spin the whole thing before they issued a proper jack booted thug response! Now AP(Obama’s butt buddies)..is shaping the story...one bit at a time.
It may be time to take this country back by force FRIENDS! They are destroying it in record time.
Dick Harpootlian: "I'm sorry, I just don't see anything wrong with that. I know it's touchy-feely time up at Fox News today, but I just don't...I don't see what is wrong with that at a rally."
OK, DICK, so if I were to say, "We're declaring war on Obama. Let's take out the SOB." then you'd be OK with that?
I replied to him:
Good one-and it would have been a legitimate question. Too bad neither Megan Kelly nor Brad Blakeman were quick enough on their feet to think of it.
Of one thing Im certain, these violent remarks are being coordinated, and they will escalate if GOP leaders dont publicly embarrass them into civility.
Penelopesire: We have been seeing these violent remarks from these Marxist thugs (including Obama) ever since the Gifford shooting when Obama called for civility. We should have a Freeper list of them somewhere. They have been pervasive and coordinated.