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Looks like the author of this article (Evan McMorris-Santoro) is beginning the media clean-up of Hoffa’s remarks.
Meanwhile, not only is Hoffa not repentant (as if anyone thought he would be), but he is doubling down with some lies.
Oh..i know..been following the evolution of a marxist inspired civil war for quite some time. You and I may die in the crosshairs...but history will not be kind to the union thugs and marxist president that ‘MANUFACTURED THE CRISIS”!!
This election year will end in bloodshed. It will end in the burning of many houses and buildings. There will be riots in the streets. IT will come from the lefties - it will come from the peace nickers - they will riot and burn and kill. If Obama loses then it will be 10 times worse. None of this will end well for America. Obama knows EXACTLY what he is doing - Maxine Waters knows EXACTLY what she is doing. They ARE ALL trying to start a war against working people.
Who started the war?
When the first Democrat - Cain, killed the first Republican - Able...