Where's the "civility"? Did Obama leave it in his other pants?
1 posted on
09/05/2011 10:57:34 AM PDT by
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To: martosko
Maybe I've spent too much time in East Michigan, but I actually like this type of talk. It's real.
This is politics. Politics is about power. Who gets what and how to use the old "unofficial" polysci definition. Forget the "gentlemen from whereever" and McCain's "my friends."
Obama's people, especially union leadership (differentiate from members), are the enemy. Period. They aren't our friends. They want power over us.
That is what they think of us, and it's about time we realize it, stop playing nice, and to do what we have to do to stop them. I agree with Hoffa about taking these sons of bitches out. He's the sonovabitch.
150 posted on
09/05/2011 3:35:36 PM PDT by
Darren McCarty
(I am not lead by any politician. I am my own leader.)
To: martosko
There will be those that will say that what Hoffa said was only rhetoric....talk. History teaches us about what was supposed to be only talk.
Thomas Becket was murdered because King Henry II uttered the words Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?...apparently not realizing that some knights would take him seriously
To: martosko
Hoffa said. We are ready to march. Lets take these sons of bitches out" I just bought a few cases of ammo yesterday. Bring it, bitches.
165 posted on
09/05/2011 6:02:21 PM PDT by
(When The Ballot Box No Longer Counts, The Ammunition Box Does. (What's In Your Ammo Box?))
To: martosko
I only have one thing to say to Mr. Hoffa.
Where's your daddy, Jimmy?
You're taking on more than you know.
166 posted on
09/05/2011 6:30:38 PM PDT by
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
To: martosko
Bring it On.
BTW, WHat ever happend to your Dad? Same thing might happen to you.......
I’m just sayin’..............
171 posted on
09/06/2011 7:25:45 AM PDT by
(It's the Constitution, Stupid!)
To: martosko
Someone want to remind Lil Jimmy that it was a Democrat that hounded his father and ran on his father’s ultimate conviction to become a NY Senator. It was a Republican that commuted his sentence...
172 posted on
09/06/2011 8:05:07 AM PDT by
(a healthy dose of buckshot will probably get you the last word in any argument.)
To: martosko
“take America back to where America we belong.
Where’s that? Reminds me of Sadaam’s minister of truth...(or whatever)
173 posted on
09/06/2011 8:27:26 AM PDT by
(Keeper of the "Dave Ramsey Fan" ping list. FReepmail me if you want your beeber stuned.)
To: martosko
Limbaugh is giving this issue mucho attention right now.
174 posted on
09/06/2011 9:20:21 AM PDT by
(A Government who robs Peter to pay Paul, will always have the support of Paul)
To: martosko
American Unions - The new Jacobins
175 posted on
09/06/2011 9:24:12 AM PDT by
(A Government who robs Peter to pay Paul, will always have the support of Paul)
To: martosko
Sounds like JHJ is applying to be the head of the new Obama-Nation Bank!
176 posted on
09/06/2011 9:27:58 AM PDT by
( obamatrauma"care" violates the 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Law.)
To: martosko
Obama’s “leading from behind” again. Jimmy Hoffa’s behind.
179 posted on
09/06/2011 12:24:12 PM PDT by
("I love loving him," --brilliant Matha's Vinyud liberal explaining her support for Obama)
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