“The establishment elites need their comeuppance.”
I’m sure this is a major factor in her decision. She will, as a free agent, need to know that We The People will do our part and back her/our objectives through her presidency and beyond. The establishment elitists and entrenched career politicians will fight our kind of change tooth and nail. It will be ugly, costly, and nearly impossible. Numbers and being right are our only advantage. The enemy has invested a lot of time and money to get us to this point. It will be a long, hard, ugly fight. I hope enough of us are up to it.
Indeed, the most brutal and ugly campaign is what we are in for; both through for the nomination and the Presidency. But as you say, Right (and God) will be on our side, and there will be an outpouring of grassroot support that will be talked about for quite some time. It has started a couple of years ago, and will move into high gear very shortly. Hang on to your hat!